Cougs don't haze.

Being a Coug means being part of a respectful, safe community that welcomes and includes everyone. Hazing hurts individuals and our entire campus community by creating environments of fear and discrimination.

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Examples of Hazing Behaviors

Hazing can take many forms, and it may not look like what you’re expecting. Some examples of hazing include:

Hazing behaviors spectrum
  • Intimidation

    • Social isolation
    • Using demeaning names for initiates and demanding titles (Ms., Mr.) for existing members
    • Assigning meaningless or impossible tasks
    • Requiring new members to carry specific items at all times
    • Deceptions
    • Behavior and/or activities that reinforce power differentials

    Intimidation behaviors are often low in severity but high in frequency.

  • Harassment

    • Verbal abuse, yelling
    • Threats or implied threats
    • Sleep deprivation
    • Requiring "pranks" such as stealing from or harassing another organization
    • Skit nights with degrading or humiliating acts
    • Requiring new members to perform services for existing members (cleaning, errands)

    Harassment behaviors are often of medium severity and frequency. 

  • Violence

    • Physical abuse
    • Sexual abuse
    • Forced consumption of alcohol, drugs, and/or disgusting substances
    • Abductions and/or limiting someone's ability to leave a situation or place
    • Bondage
    • Total or partial nudity

    Violent behaviors are high in severity but typically low in frequency.


If you’re not sure if something is hazing, try asking yourself the following questions: 

  • Would I feel comfortable with this activity if my family were watching? 
  • Does this activity violate any WSU or organizational standards or codes of conduct? 
  • Is this activity illegal? 
  • Does this activity cause participants emotional, physical, or mental distress? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please make a report to the university.